Compostability Meets Extraordinary

Environmental initiatives in industry and government worldwide are being enacted more than ever, especially those aimed at reducing landfill waste. To join these efforts, Handgards proudly introduces PlanetGards® Compostable Gloves. These gloves offer a solution to help meet zero waste and sustainability goals by delivering foodservice gloves that are made of material that composts completely in commercial composting facility.

We at Handgards realize that there is a severe environmental crisis that must be addressed. As citizens of this planet we must begin a sustainable way of life to make sure that the planet will be livable for ourselves, for our children, and for future generations. As the market leader and innovator of new products, we are both pleased and excited to introduce our new “green” initiative to help make that sustainable way of life a reality.

Designed with the planet in mind.

Starts Community Conversations

There’s change happening all around the world. Planetgards® gloves can jumpstart community conversations about composting programs for all organic resources, promoting sustainability and reducing pollution.

Goes on to a New Life

In a commercial composting facility, Planetgards® gloves can become compost or mulch to help plants grow in gardens, parks, and farms, reducing landfill waste and emissions.

Helps Meet Zero Waste Goals

Planetgards® gloves offers the option of taking a foodservice product used every day and taking it back to the earth to help the environment instead of letting it pile up in a landfill.